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Remove Negative Items
and Raise Your Score!

Call to Learn More About Credit Repair(855)548-1375

Since 1991 CreditRepair has helped more than ½ million clients with their credit. In 2012 they removed 3,347,490 negative items from their clients’ credit bureau reports, including Transunion, Experian, and Equifax: Collections, Late Payments, Bankruptcies, Repossessions, Foreclosures, Judgments, and more.

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Get Started Improving Your Credit Today!

Getting negative items off of your credit report may be more important than you think. CreditRepair has removed more than 3,347,490 negative credit items, which helps consumers qualify for lower interest rate credit and loans. Repairing bad credit can be a lengthy and challenging task, but don’t resort to high interest credit, call CreditRepair today.

Take advantage of powerful credit tools with CreditRepair, and remove negative credit items affordably. Choose credit repair with CreditRepair.

If you are keep getting rejected for credit because of low credit scores, call us now. Improving your credit can help you qualify for the loans that you need. Learn from the millions of items we’ve already helped remove, and get satisfaction in YOUR road to credit recovery.

Learn why over half a million people chose CreditRepair. We’ve already helped to remove millions of negative credit items. Call us and get some satisfaction on YOUR road to credit recovery.

Start receiving loan approvals and higher credit limit, lower APR credit offers with premier lenders versus choosing expensive fast cash, small credit limits and high interest options.

Get started today pricing ranges from $59.95/month to $99.95/month, depending on the services required. Additionally, a one time credit report processing fee of $12.99 is required.